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General Terms and Conditions

1. Scope

These General Terms and Conditions (hereafter GTC) apply to the use of the service on the website The service is operated by Fintechhop, hereafter referred to as Service Provider or fintechhop. These GTC regulate the legal relationship between the Service Provider and the user of the service. The user of the service is hereafter referred to as Prospective Client or Customer.

2. Services

The Service Provider offers the Prospective Client the opportunity on the website to request the submission of free and non-binding quotes for disposal services and other craftsman services. The received request, especially voluntarily entered data in contact forms, is made available by the Service Provider to its connected service partners (hereafter Provider, Service Partner, Expert, or Partner Company) for further processing of the request, so that they can contact the Prospective Client. With the provision of the contact to the provider, the activity of the Service Provider ends. The Service Provider is no longer involved in further proceedings. Any kind of mediation success is not owed. Fintechhop, as the operator of the website, is a service provider within the meaning of the Telemedia Act (§ 2 No. 1 TMG). The services offered here are provided by certified and qualified partner companies. These are legally independent and autonomous companies. Our certified and qualified partner companies operate on their own account and are liable for the services they offer and perform. Upon placing an order, a contractual relationship is established between you (the client) and the partner company. Any liability claims should be made directly against the partner company, the data of which can be found on the order form that was sent to you. The use of the service is free of charge for the Prospective Client.

3. Conclusion of Contract, Storage of Contract Terms

The provision of the service on the website of the Service Provider does not yet constitute an offer to conclude a (free of charge) brokerage contract. Such an offer is made only by sending a request by the Prospective Client. In the event of acceptance by the Service Provider, the latter confirms the order by displaying an order confirmation on the website or by an order confirmation via email. A (free of charge) brokerage contract between the Prospective Client and the Service Provider is thus concluded. The Service Provider stores the contract terms including these General Terms and Conditions. You can print or save the contract terms including these General Terms and Conditions using the usual functionality of your browser. You can also view the General Terms and Conditions in their current version on the website.

4. Obligations of the Prospective Client

The Prospective Client is obligated to provide truthful information.

5. Liability

The Service Provider is fully liable for legal defects and guarantees. Liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected. The Service Provider is liable for intentional or grossly negligent breaches of duty. This also applies to legal representatives and vicarious agents of the Service Provider. For slight negligence, the Service Provider and its vicarious agents are liable limited to the contract-typical, foreseeable damage.

6. Applicable Law, Foreign Language, and Jurisdiction

The contracting parties agree on the application of Nepalese law to all legal relations arising from this contractual relationship. Nepalese law also applies in cross-border traffic, excluding the UN Sales Law. The place of jurisdiction is Munich, as long as the customer is a businessman or merchant or a legal entity of public law or a public-law special fund is a contracting party. If these General Terms and Conditions (GTC) are translated into a foreign language, the Nepalese version of the GTCs shall prevail in case of linguistic ambiguities. Should any provision of these Terms and Conditions be wholly or partially invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining agreement. The contracting parties agree to make a replacement provision that comes as close as possible to the sense and purpose of this invalid provision.

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